January 25, 2010

Well another week has come and gone… lets see…

Last Monday the baseball game went good I guess… they don’t know how to play baseball here. They play with 5 bases and it’s a square -- weird. Anywho we didn’t play for that long, I actually never even hit. It didn’t really complete the purpose we had and I actually think that I'll never play baseball again with investigators just cause it didn’t work out really great. There is one kid named Ariel that we would like to teach, but who knows what will happen.

Sooooooooooo…. Sergio… We didn’t get to see him this week. We passed by twice but he wasn’t home. We called him on Saturday about coming to church on Sunday and he couldn’t because he was working. That means that his baptismal date isn’t set for the 7th anymore.

We had 7 investigators in church yesterday, but a lot of people who are close to baptism didn’t come. I don’t think well have any baptisms this next Sunday, but I hope the following Sunday yes.

Oh, Santiago came to church yesterday. We passed by his house and he wasn’t there. I left him a note that said see you in church tomorrow… he came… he showed up late and he couldn’t stay for the classes afterward, but he came. Yesterday the teacher for the gospel principles class didn’t show up so I taught it…. It should have been chapter 3 about Jesus Christ, but I felt like I should teach about the book of Mormon. My, how I love the Book of Mormon. It’s the most incredible thing in the world. It is also one of the greatest blessings God has given us here on this earth. We are trying to figure out how to introduce the Book of Mormon quicker and more efficiently in our contacts and lessons. ;As I’ve told you before, our focus here isn’t really the restoration; rather it is repentance and baptism. We talk about that with every one, however I feel like in the near future we will be moving back to the restauracion un poco… we'll see what happens. I just love the fact that we have the Book of Mormon. I feel so grateful for it.

What else…. Life is good… I’m very happy… I had a dream about Grandpa Stu last night. I have met so many people that remind me of Grandma Renee, but more that remind me of Grandma Beryl. It is amazing how much members of the church are alike… doesn’t matter if they live in Utah or Chile.

Oh, so get this… There are these things here called Alfajors. They are chocolate covered cookies with manjar in the middle… they have the ingredients on the package and well they have them in Spanish but also in English… but I don’t know if the person who wrote them in English actually understands English very well because the number one ingredient that is bold says GREASY MATTER – 14.25%... Now I’m not sure if I’m getting fat because of the bread or because of the Greasy Matter that I’m always eating.

The graffiti is pretty cool, I’m covering a cool part of it... its hard because we can't take pictures on the street when others can see us... I had to wait about 2 months to get that picture.

Love you. Have a good week... peace gringos... preach the peace