January 11, 2010

Hey wonderful family-

I hope every thing is going good.  It is going well here.  Today is an overcast day, it’s not hot at all, its good.  This morning we woke up and were going to go to the mountains with someone in our ward.  He has a cabin there.  We walked to this place and met him but his jeep has a bad brake fluid line.  We went to try and fix it but we couldn’t, so I guess we’ll go next week.  This guy is just a young guy.  30 years old.  After he served his mission he went by himself and lived in Utah for 5 years. He got there not knowing anyone or any English... crazy.  I like him.  He is going to move back to Utah with his wife sometime.

When I saw the frowny face in Dad’s title I knew it was about Dusty.  That really stinks.  I was able to hold back the tears when I read it though, so no one else knows.  I just kind of feel hollow and empty.

Coyquen B is doing well. Not as well as I’d like, but its our own fault.  We only had 2 investigators in the church yesterday, but it was a huge assistance.  154... that’s a lot.  Fernando came, yes.  We are working to get more investigators. Elder Higham and I have actually found a good amount of people; we just need to focus on them a little bit more.  I feel like we were a little too spread out this last week so we are going to focus a little bit better this week to help some investigators really start to progress. I can't remember what I told you guys last week, but we found a family that has actually been through the temple and we need to start working with them a little bit more. There is also a family of Walter, Alejandra, Camila, and a little boy.  They are pretty awesome, but it's going to take a lot for them to be baptized, but I know it can happen.

I got a letter from the Ashbys on Tuesday and one from Megan on Tuesday and Thursday.  It was very nice to hear from them.  We have interviews with the President this Wednesday so he, his wife and the assistants will be coming.  Last Thursday we went to Concepción for a conference.  I got to see Elder Law!   He’s doing great.  He is now just recently in his second sector and he is companion mayor also... actually everyone in my group is I think.  My MTC district was incredible and they are all amazing.

That's all for this week.