May 10, 2010

I love you guys so much.

It was great hearing your voices yesterday.  I was very happy to hear everyone.  Like I told you yesterday, everything here is going great.  I love it.  I really like my new companion, Elder Valderrutén.  He is from Columbia and is a convert to the church.  He got baptized at 17 years old.  He looks a lot like Justin Greening (I think) it’s been so long I might be completely off with that guess, but that’s who I think he looks like.  I can’t remember if I told you or not yesterday, but on Tuesday when we went to pick them up, I started talking to the new missionaries and I wanted / knew that he was going to be my companion.   We ate lunch and the president talked with the assistants.  When the president was talking he finished and he said, “You old missionaries, what would you like to tell the new people?”  He turned to me and Elder Law (yes, my old companion :) we were sitting together :)) and said, “Elder Pitcher y Elder Law, what would you like to tell them?”  That was very weird. It was weird to be one of the older people.  Elder Law and I aren’t the youngest or the oldest trainers.  There is one missionary that is older and one that is younger that are also training.  There are also 3 Latin missionaries that have more time that are training.  However it was very weird to have him turn to us.  It was also very weird because where I was sitting, President would always turn to me when he needed help saying a word (he did almost the entire thing in English... yes, I love him) It is weird because I remember when he would always be turning to other people asking for help.  Now it was to us.  Also, some of the new guys came up to me and Elder Law and said, “How much time do you two have in the mission?”  The amazement we saw in their eyes when we told them almost was weird.  They think we are so old, but we aren’t.  I just barely got here... I still don’t know how to be a good missionary! I can’t believe my time is almost over.

Yesterday the sisters went to Dichato to sing a song for the Relief Society so they weren’t here during Sunday School.  The sister that teaches the investigator / new convert class was there so I hopped in and taught it.  We were on chapter 12, the Atonement.  I really felt the class went well.  There were 6 teenagers, one in her twenties, and one in her 40s (Matilde) Matilde and Claudia got there a little late, but I know they really liked the class.  We were able to personalize the Atonement a little bit better.  After church ended, she said the reunion sacrament was just like theirs, but that she really like Sunday School... we will be going to their house today... I believe we will teach them more about the Atonement, the priesthood, and the Book of Mormon.

I love the Book of Mormon; it is the most incredible book in the world.  I am SO glad that Guy read it... I have only read the Book of Mormon once since I left... one time in one year... that’s about how fast you guys read it and I read it before, but I love it because we have an hour every morning to study personally... that is never enough.  I shower and eat as fast as I can so I can get about 30 minutes extra.  I remember when I thought that an hour of study everyday was more than I could do (before the mission) but I know that is what I will be doing when I get home... I always thought that I would just be sticking with 30 minutes, but no…. 1 hour :) It is incredible how the Book of Mormon can change a person.  Matilde has been reading it a lot, and she loves it... her husband hasn’t read it because he 'hasn’t had time'.  Shoot, no one 'has time' but if you have the desire, you'll make the time.  I hope he starts to read it soon so he progresses better.

Daniela and Camila are two sisters that came to church yesterday.  We have shared with them a lot and their mom.  The mom is scared because her husband goes to a different church... He is very, very nice and its not that he doesn’t let her share with us, but she doesn’t want to go to church because then she, her husband, and her mom will all be going to different churches... little by little she will start to understand more and more... she is named Janet... her friend Belinda.

Neftalí is a 24 year old that has shared with us for a long time, but I think he just likes to find answers to his questions and not to follow our Heavenly Father... he says he hasn’t received an answer if Joseph Smith was a prophet or if the church is true... Little by little I hope he will come to know as well...

I love you guys so much... This Thursday we have conference... I can’t wait for it :)

Love Elder PITCHER.